Central Sulawesi

Central Sulawesi is a province of Indonesia on the island of Sulawesi with a population of approximately 2.8 million people. It is approximately 6.2 million hectares in total area, of which 4.0 million hectares is forest area.1


Central Sulawesi at a glance

Population(Year: 2015)2
Area total(Year: 2015)3
6,184,000 ha
Area forest land(Year: 2013)4
3,964,840.00 ha
Peatland coverage (Year: 2011)5

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2 Source: Profil Daerah - Provinsi. 2015. http://www.kemendagri.go.id/pages/profil-daerah/provinsi

3Source: Profil Daerah - Provinsi. 2015. http://www.kemendagri.go.id/pages/profil-daerah/provinsi

4 Source: Statistik Kawasan Hutan. 2013. Direktorat Perencanaan Kawasan Hutan; Direktorat Jenderal Planologi Kehutanan. Kementerian Kehutanan. http://www.dephut.go.id/uploads/files/0763c02133926c27bb0133dd50ff26c6.pdf

5 Source: Peta Lahan Gambut Indonesia. 2011. Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Kementerian Pertanian. http://bbsdlp.litbang.pertanian.go.id/phocadownload/gambut_indonesia_250000/Naskah%20Peta%20Gambut%20Indonesia%202011.pdf


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