North Sumatera

North Sumatera is a province of Indonesia on the island of Sumatra with a population of approximately 14.5 million people. It is approximately 7.3 million hectares in total area, of which 3.7 million hectares is forest area and 0.3 million hectares is peatland area.1


North Sumatera at a glance

Population (Year: 2015)2
Area total (Year: 2015)3
7,298,000 ha
Area forest land (Year: 2013)4
3,742,120.00 ha
Peatland coverage (Year: 2011)5
261,000 ha

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2 Source: Profil Daerah - Provinsi. 2015.

3Source: Profil Daerah - Provinsi. 2015.

4 Source: Statistik Kawasan Hutan. 2013. Direktorat Perencanaan Kawasan Hutan; Direktorat Jenderal Planologi Kehutanan. Kementerian Kehutanan.

5 Source: Peta Lahan Gambut Indonesia. 2011. Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Kementerian Pertanian.


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