The Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System has been developed as a national platform for GHG accounting for the land based sectors. The INCAS is managed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF). It utilises inputs from various other agencies such as the National Institute for Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), the Ministry of Agriculture and others.
The INCAS provides a systematic and nationally consistent approach to monitoring GHG emissions and removals for the land-based sector in Indonesia. It generates detailed information on historic, present time, and future projections of GHG emissions and removals. This information is generated to allow Indonesia to better understand, manage, and ultimately reduce GHG emissions in a targeted and effective manner. In future, it may also be used to support official Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) requirements, including for REDD+ activities.
The INCAS is a continually improving and evolving system. It is primarily designed to estimate GHG emissions and removals at the national and subnational levels. The INCAS utilises the best available data and information, and transparent methods, definitions, and assumptions. Where errors and gaps are known to exist, these are clearly acknowledged in INCAS documentation and where possible, solutions for their future improvements are suggested.
The INCAS data currently available online and elsewhere does not represent official Government of Indonesia GHG accounts as reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) or otherwise.
Data Use
The GHG data produced by INCAS is made publically available through the INCAS website and other means. Stakeholders are welcome to download and use this data for appropriate purposes; however please note that the results represented here include national and subnational level estimates of GHG emissions and removals and are not based on site specific data nor direct measurements, and should be treated accordingly.
The use and subsequent publication of INCAS data should always be accompanied by full and proper citations. INCAS data should be cited as follows: “INCAS National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals on Indonesia’s Forests and Peatlands, 2015”
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry takes no responsibility for the use, subsequent analysis and/or conclusions generated by users from INCAS data.
Users are encouraged to contact the INCAS team to provide suggestions that could improve the INCAS GHG datasets. The INCAS team welcomes new partnerships and opportunities to pursue ongoing improvements of the INCAS approach and outputs.