The INCAS is a flexible and continuously improving system. It is not a singular technical solution, software package, data input or one-off technical analysis. It is instead a systematic approach that uses the ‘best available’ information and technology to estimate net annual GHG emissions in land-based sectors. The INCAS framework is designed to enable new data, models, definitions, assumptions, and policies to be integrated into the system, as they become available. The INCAS will be run every year, and each time the system and inputs can be updated to continuously improve the estimates of annual emissions and removals.
To date, phase one of the INCAS framework has been developed and applied to all of Indonesia’s forest and peatlands to produce a first national-level account of annual GHG emissions and removals for key REDD+ activities. These detailed results have been generated nationally and on a province-by-province basis using a nationally consistent approach.
However, a significant amount of work remains to be done to further develop and continuously improve the system. This includes expanding the coverage of the INCAS to account for emissions and removals from all of Indonesia’s Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) activities and linking with subnational GHG accounting activities.
Additionally, the INCAS needs to be operationalised across the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF). This includes the expansion of the INCAS team, including by training new officials and experts from other agencies.
The INCAS Roadmap has been developed to guide the continued development and ongoing operation of the INCAS. It clarifies system-development priorities, and the need for supporting institutional arrangements and adequate resources. These will facilitate the operation of INCAS as a fully Government owned, operated, nationwide system; one that delivers detailed GHG data and meets all of Indonesia’s requirements for land-sector GHG data compilation and reporting. The figure below outlines the system development priorities until 2018, after which INCAS will enter an ongoing operation and improvement phase. More details can be found in the INCAS Roadmap.
A copy of the full INCAS Roadmap can be found here.